Evidence Based Practice

Evidence Based Practice refers to a style of healthcare that involves using a crossover between the best available evidence – usually coming from research – combined with experience and what the patient wants. Whilst this may sound a little wordy, the basic premise is that when EBP is applied correctly, we get the best results for you that are possible at that time. This may mean getting you doing some things that you’ve heard previously not to do, like getting you moving when you’ve had an injury, but it’s all based on science and has shown that it gets the best result. At Coast Pain Management, we pride ourselves on keeping up to date with the latest information and continually adapting what we do and how we treat our patients to make sure you get better, faster.

We use a holistic approach when dealing with pain, looking not only at the area that is causing issues, but also things that may influence how you may recover, such as support networks, understanding of the injury, as well as things such as anxiety or depression. We also look at establishing good baselines for where you start and where you want to end up, and try to work with you to achieve these goals.

In conjunction with whatever treatment is employed at Coast Pain Management, we aim to give you the skills to get better on your own, away from interventions from health practitioners. Whilst this may mean that short term we refer you to additional people, such as an exercise physiologist, podiatrist or sports medicine physician, the end goal will always be to get you to the point you can manage your own recovery in a way that works best for you.